Random Stranger: Are they all yours?!
Me: Yep they sure are
Random stranger: ….. wow… You’ve got your handful haven’t you!
Me: *polite laugh*
Before we had any kids I knew I wanted a big family and thats what we have. 4 kids and 10 years of marriage (as of 2019) later, we are the weird family next door. We have 2 boys and 2 girls the seemingly perfect balance, and while the numbers are that way the volume is not. Number 3 and 4 ( boy & girl) are by far the loudest, with number 3 reigning supreme.
Kids aside the hubby and I try to make an effort to remain a couple and not just parents 🙂
Family Life Posts

Dinner Time
Ah yes, the evening meal. A time when the family comes together at the table and shares food, and talks- well in the eldest 3’s cases shout (annoyingly! why don’t kids talk at a normal level?). In our family dinner time is very important- not particularly because of the food itself but because its a […]