Soooooo this year hasn’t really gone to plan. I just re-read my last post and it talks of the wonderful plans we had to go to Lindisfarne in March…. as it turns out the very day in March we had booked to go was the first day of lockdown… or at lest I think it was.. wow the weeks are kinda running into each other at the moment right? Either way the holiday got canceled. We did still learn about the Vikings though in March, so that counts for something right?

For me personally having the run up of homeschooling since September has helped my mind quite a lot and I thank God (literally) for it. It is different to what I was expecting to do though…. My idea of homeschooling through the spring was days out, for April we were planning to do transport and living in London we were going to make FULL use of the transport system, yeah well nope. Sooo we had to change plans.
One thing I’m learning even more in this time is that I need to be flexible in my homeschooling and is how I am structuring my days and weeks. For example, since Easter we had put into our time table “Fun Fridays” basically this means no math and english work and no full on topic lesson either. Rather: various STEM and art based activities in the day get done and playing… and tv- non educational programmes are allowed. This has been nice for the kids and me as well tbh. Having a day that has some structure but doesn’t involved school work has been great.
If you need a day off. Take it. Plans can be put off by one day..or two… or 3