Looking for things on pinterest can be a bit depressing. Other people seem to always have perfect lighting, loads of space and when it comes to homeschooling tend to always be in America? Finding UK homeschooling things feels like a laborious process. That being said when I was searching for ideas on how to organise my house in preparation for homeschool to pinterest I went.
Don’t get me wrong I really like pinterest, i like the visual searching, the quick picture find, the fact you can have a pin board for pretty much everything. However when you search “ small homeschooling space” it gets a bit annoying when the results show “homeschool room”- This, my search engine friend is not an actual small space. Please understand me, I don’t begrudge those with a whole room to dedicate to the task but when you have 4 kids and no dinning room or kitchen table to spare, and pinterest shows you whole rooms to give you ideas it makes one sigh.
All that being said i did stumble on a few pins from across the water of people HS in apartments. they gave me ideas…
Soooo with different pins in mind and a good long stare at what i could do, I planned and changed my living room- that has the dinning table in it- into our main HS place.
I didn’t want my living room, small as it is, turn into a classroom, having worked in education for 10 years I know about the bits and stuff and things it entails, and knew HS wouldn’t be any different. So with the aim of keeping my living room usable but also needing to make provision this is what I did:

White board & Shoe Organiser
- white board: behind the door. fully usable but can’t really be seen when the door is open which is most of the evening.
- Shoe rack on the door– math manipulatives, spare stationary, craft bits etc. all to hand but again hidden
- suction tubs for me on the window.
- magazine boxes for each kid on the window sill
- Frame on the wall for calendar/ plan of the day- all of which is typed so things remain neat.
- kallax for games, art materials, paper, text books we own
- clothes air heater drier make shift desk for me
- library book box
- sofa ottoman- sensory boxes, laminator, big papers
- trolly- daily use stationary pods, magazine folder of work for the week ahead, mini white boards,